The competition has now closed and a winner has been notified, if you enter after 18th December your information will not be counted.Thanks for visiting my blog to find out more information for the advent calendar giveaway!As you've seen, the Stylevana advent calendar was a very generous ...
The 15 Best Cleansers to Use with Tretinoin & Retinol
In this post I'll talk about the best cleanser to use with tretinoin. I'll also discuss some tips for the best tretinoin skincare routine, benefits of tretinoin and skincare ingredients to combine with tretinoin (and which not to avoid).Disclaimer: some of these cleanser links might be ...
The Best Skincare Accessories and Supplements for Acne Prone Skin
In this blog post I'll share all of my favourite skincare accessories and supplements. As I find more that I love, I'll keep adding to the list. Most of these would make amazing gifts, too!A word on supplements before we begin. It's irresponsible for me to blindly recommend supplements to people ...
Can IBS Cause Acne? How Your Gut and Acne are Connected
In this post I'll discuss the connection between the gut and skin conditions. I am often asked 'can IBS cause acne?', and even though I'm not a scientist or doctor, I will do my best to answer it through my own research and experiences.My symptoms of IBSFor the past few years I've had ...